Trusted by 20+ companies around the world

The features that make our Service unique

Sarbatra SMS

Sarbatra SMS is a leading Bulk SMS service in Nepal, providing mobile marketing tools for businesses and individuals. It allows you to send SMS messages to any mobile number across NTC, Smart, and Ncell networks. With fast and reliable communication, Sarbatra SMS helps you efficiently reach your audience anywhere in Nepal.

Sarbatra Host

Sarbatra Host

Sarbatra SMS is a leading Bulk SMS service in Nepal, providing mobile marketing tools for businesses and individuals. It allows you to send SMS messages to any mobile number across NTC, Smart, and Ncell networks. With fast and reliable communication, Sarbatra SMS helps you efficiently reach your audience anywhere in Nepal.

Sarbatra Socialsignal

SocialSignal Sarbatra is your go-to platform for social proof, helping businesses build trust and credibility. We provide real-time reviews, testimonials, and engagement metrics to showcase your brand's influence, enhancing customer confidence and driving conversions. Elevate your online presence with authentic social proof through SocialSignal Sarbatra.

Bot Infinity

We offer advanced automation solutions to streamline your business processes. Our intelligent bots handle repetitive tasks, enhance customer interactions, and improve operational efficiency. With our service, you can optimize workflows, reduce manual effort, and scale your operations seamlessly, enabling your team to focus on strategic growth and innovation.

Next Generation Web and Software Solutions
Next Generation Web and Software Solutions
Next Generation Web and Software Solutions Next Generation Web and Software Solutions Next Generation Web and Software Solutions

Next Generation Web and Software Solutions

With Over 25 Years Of Experience, We Have Crafted Thousands Of Strategic Discovery Process That Enables Us To Peel Back Which Enable Us To Understand.

  • Business Growth

    Boost your business with our innovative web and software solutions, tailored for your growth

  • Target Audience

    Engage your key audience with our tailored web and software solutions, designed to drive growth and success

We Prepare An Effective Strategy For Companies
We Prepare An Effective Strategy For Companies
We Prepare An Effective Strategy For Companies We Prepare An Effective Strategy For Companies

We Prepare An Effective Strategy For Companies

We deliver innovative web and software solutions with a focus on security, offering custom development and tailored strategies to drive your business forward



Success Rate

Complete Projects

Satisfied Clients

Trade In The World


Dedicated Team Members

Our expert team leads the way in software and website development, ensuring top-notch results

Aashish Dahal

Aashish Dahal

Founder / CEO
Surajan Budathoki

Surajan Budathoki

Project Manager

Exceptional service! Gerow’s attention to detail and reliability have been instrumental in our supply chain success.

Guy Hawkins

Rodriguez Enterprises

Gerow has consistently met and exceeded our logistics needs. Their dedication to excellence is truly commendable.

Eleanor Pena

ChenTech Solutions

Their team is a valuable asset to our business operations. Gerow’s efficient service has saved us time and money.

Cody Fisher

Foster & Co.

I’ve had a fantastic experience with Sarbatra Inc. Their innovative approach to web and software development is truly impressive. The team’s focus on security and tailored solutions has significantly advanced our business operations. Their expertise and dedication to delivering top-notch results are unmatched. Highly recommend their services for anyone looking to elevate their digital presence

Utsav Adhikari

Digital Marketer
Call For More Info 9845179869

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Explore our latest updates to stay informed about our newest innovations, projects, and company news

Software Development Business Strategy

Software Development

We deliver custom, secure software solutions tailored to your business needs, driving innovation and efficiency.

  • Rosalina William Rosalina William
  • 2023 Dec 08
Website Development Entrepreneurship

Website Development

We create custom, secure, and user-friendly websites tailored to your business needs, ensuring a seamless online experience.

  • Josh De Bryn Josh De Bryn
  • 2023 Dec 08
Digital Marketing Financial Management

Digital Marketing

We boost your brand’s online presence with tailored strategies including SEO, PPC, social media, and content marketing to drive traffic and generate leads.

  • Josh De Bryn Josh De Bryn
  • 2023 Dec 08

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